links for 2009-11-16

  • Part 2 of the 3-part series
  • There’s probably no organizational attribute that’s more important today than adaptability. In our topsy turvy world, every organization is teetering on the brink of irrelevance, and unless it can change as fast as change itself, it will soon tumble off the ledge.
    In contrast to market share or product differentiation, adaptability is an abstract concept. So let me take a moment to explain why it matters.
  • “Perspective tellings” of this complex, multi-layered epic are not, of course, new things. Many notable books and plays in this vein have been written in all the major Indian languages…but…hardly any of these are available in high-quality translation…Panicker’s Bhimsen…isn’t a straight translation…he expanded on the frequent tensions between the Pandava brothers, for Randaamoozham, as he points out, is at its heart the story of a family struggling to survive.
    As a reader, if you come to Bhimsen having previously encountered only mainstream translations of the Mahabharata, there are two important things you have to deal with. First, this is not an omniscient-narrator telling: everything we read is filtered through the prism of Bhima’s personal experiences, his very particular biases and prejudices…
    The other thing to understand about Bhimsen is that there is no room in it for the supernatural or the divine; everything is explained in strictly realist terms.
  • If the cost of a Kindle book is mentioned as $0.00 on the Amazon Store, it will still show up as $2.00 for you if the country associated with your Kindle is something other than United States. This is because Amazon charges a $2 roaming fee for “international downloads”.

    You can either temporarily change your Kindle country to US or use the “Transfer via Computer” option when buying a book and you won’t be charged that extra $2 fees. Thanks Dhamini Ratnam.

  • The phrase "time is money" doesn't hit home until you're sitting at your desk, goofing off, and realize that you're wasting your own money by doing so. A freelancer has his or her hourly rate top-of-mind at all times…A freelancer is less likely to waste time on things that don't matter because they can't afford to. As an employee, do you know what your hourly rate of pay is?…
    there are two common kinds of freelance work: the well-paying tedium, and the underpaying interesting jobs. The first funds the second…Freelancers choose what contracts to work on based on several factors, not just monetary compensation…
    Freelancers…strive for a higher level of excellence because they own every single thing they do, and every job is a stepping stone toward the next. If your name appeared on every single thing you produced…would you feel differently than you do now?
  • Puru Pratap Singh, a class IV student from Gurgaon in India, has won the Doodle 4 Google contest and you can see his artwork live on the Google India homepage.
    The theme of this year’s Google Doodle contest was "My India".

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