links for 2010-05-12

  • Over the years I have come upon tips that not only help parents connect with their children, but also help teach them self-reliance and prepare them for life. Here are a few that will help you connect and also teach your child perspective, perseverance, and patience
    (tags: kids Parenting)
  • This article is written in response to the frequently perpetuated myth that Rabindranath Tagore wrote the song Jana Gana Mana for the British monarch…
    As with many of his puja or devotional songs, if there was a divine entity to whom Tagore addressed many of his heartfelt yearnings for communion and eternal play, it was a Monarch infinitely greater than any mortal King Emperor could ever aspire to be. The Lord of India's Destiny…is the perennial Bhagya Vidhata of India who has, from the very dawn of civilization, guided India through great triumphs and tragedies…and could never be merely the king of a colonial empire…if Tagore had the slightest weakness towards, or preference for the British monarchy, his staunch and steadfast opposition to British rule would seriously contradict any such deeply guarded fantasy. His relinquishing of the Knighthood protest against the Amritsar (Jallianwallah Bagh) massacre in 1919, is likewise a study in stark contrast.

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